Letter to Ben, Youtube Trusted Flagger

Please note: we attempted to post shorter version of this letter as tweet thread (of about 20 tweets) at twitter with fragmented video evidence. However, videos did not post. In few days we understood posting video to twitter requires allowing cookies to other twitter domain, but we decided to make this publication at this multfilmytv's associated web site http://multfilmydljadevochek.blogspot.com/ , and include both slides and video in it. This video also available at facebook page https://www.facebook.com/multfilmytv/videos/1640145462712179/ , and embeded below: 

Also please note: slides do not correspond to itemized text. Text is an edited and much extended version of what we prepared as Tweet-to-Ben 'tweet thread' as an informal text to Ben, with all relevant information; while slides were prepared 22-26 December 2017 to accompany 2nd appeal to youtube as a slideshow (with included 2 short screen capture videos; 2nd appeal was instantly rejected). On January 4 we also tweeted a shorter Tweet-to-Ben thread which has another informal information now also included here. Aditonally, there is a Happy New Year Santa's video address to Ben https://twitter.com/multfilmytv/status/949897643735552000 , tweeted on January 7, 2018, after we learned how to post videos at Twitter.

Letter to Ben, Youtube Trusted Flagger

Dear Ben, please help us to get my daughter Nastya channel youtube.com/user/multfilmytv back. Channel popular videos are Nastya lessons on ballet, gymnastics, ballroom dance and figure skating played with dolls and associated stories, based on Nastya's 10+ years of these classes; she is now 16. Also, Nastya was opening new dolls for her classes while I did doll shopping

As Nastya is at pre-graduation year of High School, she is more busy with studies. As we live separately, this playing dolls was/is our great time we spent together. Nastya's little income that channel generated recently become a great stimuli and learning for her on how creativity can become her business, although she wants to become a doctor and also serves as an assistant of an ambulance doctor as a public service volunteer, an obligatory class in israel's final two years of High School (Ambulance assistant is most difficult of a number of other possibilities, like eldery caregiver and fireman or policeman assistant, that do not require speciality exams, as ambulance assistant does)!

To help Nastya's channel I did daily livestreams for our viewers-friends, and become at youtube known as "Papa Nastya", exactly as it was several years ago in real life, when I every day met Nastya after junior school (grades 1-6) to bring her home to mom house. All school called me also "Papa Nastya" and still calls when I meet kids at a street.

As a scientist, I consider myself (and wish Nastya takes it alike) an author, not blogger. I saw in Nastya improvised play with dolls great stories for girls. I started to write a book about a girl who make dolls alive, just like Pinnochio of 21 century, for girls. Early chapters were devoted to describing a story of girl who will make dolls alive, and how she grew. Then i realised it will be a trilogy, with Book 2 devoted to ballet and gymnastics doll stories, that Nastya already told a year ago in her videos which are original stories with no script). Book 3 of trilogy will be gymnastics and school stories by friends-subscribers of our channels, told at livestream chats (several stories already were written, and one just re-published at this blog in English, so you can read it, here http://multfilmydljadevochek.blogspot.com/2018/01/princess-eny-fairy-tale-of-multfilmytv.html#english - While editing Google translation I was once again amazed of a depth of our friendly communication with the audience during livestreams). This is why it was important to have accurate chat screens, and therefore when it failed running we had to reload livestream chat; this could be a problem of December 18, a moment before channel suspension (see below).  

Making text from Nastya video/voice is a long procedure, that I do in order to turn her play to on-screen reading like video book. Plus I started to write short story on each of Nastya episode, so, we turned to 1 original Nastya video in 2 weeks. So, to keep channel active I made livestreams.

I spent all my spare time on this, as the audience liked it: we wrote and published live poems, songs lyrics; learned to use youtube (making channel home page,creating playlists, how to make videos better, like camera placement, lights, sound, stage, props, etc); read fairytales, sung songs; made props for dolls,celebrated friends birthdays, played building toys.

The following slides 7 to 15 explain what happened on Sunday December 17. Please note that slides and text do not go together: itemized text is an in-depth informal information about our channel that we would like to share with you, Ben!

Also, we recently started a drawing show with Nastya classmate Masha: she draws Frozen princesses, not so good in fact. But my idea was to awake our viewers' own creativity with Masha example, and teach kids to convert their drawings to vector graphics, how to animate it and make cartoons.

Researching Youtube analytics we realised we should livestream all day long on Sundays, so, for the 1st time ever, on Sunday, December 17 we had 9 livestreams, all original: editing new Nastya video live; singing our songs; testing hi-fi sound to get great automatic captions (accomplished) while reading fairytales about viewers. Great captions we need to speed authoring process, as our original story telling during livestreams would yield accurate automatic captions, that we could download from youtube as a captions file (this is standard youtube feature) and have near ready story text to be published elsewhere!

Note to slide 8: As I should talk to viewers on the problem of firefox not responding, all followup events including firefox session restore should be recorded as a part of one of our livestreams of Sunday December 17, and can be found/viewed by youtube staff; it is in Russian language, however.

What happened on Sunday & Monday 17-18 December 2017 we describe in slideshow video (at top of this publication). As noted above, we made this video to supplement 2nd appeal, we did not know one "can not appeal 2nd time".  

The problem with Firefox browser session restore was not included in 1st appeal

In 1st appeal (see image of item 17 below) we wrote about 1. Many (total 9) livestreams on Sunday December 17. I thought that little change of description, title and no change of thumbnail could be a problem, 2. that in chat I invited our viewers to see our latest drawing video by Masha, as in that video we included...

...a guess game of what will be inside a kinder surprise egg that we would open in 2 days at our next drawing session with Masha. I stupidly called it contest although guess game is more accurate definition. We will stop doing this to be safe!

Note to slide 11: above slide is a static image of our test of Firefox session restore! When viewed as a video slideshow at top of this publication or at our Facebook page, you will see superimposed image of the same Windows/tabs of Firefox before it was closed because of electricity outage

Also during one stream on Sunday December 17, we wrote/posted at community tab of our channel home page a post on how to engage our audience, as I often saw viewers just do not know what to do. So, we invited them to watch Nastya videos, comment, like/dislike and share, so active viewers are added to a list of Honored Audience at Channel home (Above channels recommended by Youtube; we will revert this section to our best friends who become friends just because of our friendship at livestream chats and comments for videos)

Only after channel suspension we thought the above items may be a problem. We never broke youtube rules, and never thought of doing so! Oppositely, I teached our viewers to respect rules, and explained many things, ex: that quality comment or like is after video is watched, not before!

After 1st appeal reject, we wrote to partner support and got a reply saying a reason for channel termination is the use of automated systems like robot, spiders to gain viewers, etc., that is item 5H of Youtube terms of Service https://www.youtube.com/t/terms?internalcountrycode=US . Then I recalled accidental problem with Firefox session restore functionality on December 17 that could be misunderstood by youtube as robotic activity.

Note of January 7, 2018, for the above slide 14: This 2nd PC is still on (since December 17, and probably for some time before that date); now it has disconnected network cable (see yellow cable to photo left down), but since December 17-18 still has all tabs in two firefox windows, including 11 youtube channel screens (opened one at a time to do routine channel work, just like different documents at a editor's desk). Which screens are opened and for what reason reviewed in a screen video of December 31, 2017, here https://www.facebook.com/multfilmytv/videos/1648083298585062/ )

It is bad I did not notice possible strike on Sunday, December 17! We did not get any email about it, and we did not check our Channel info, despite I noted we were kicked out of this channel on 2nd computer (shown on previous slide).

Note: Nastya channel was created by Nastia's brother when Nastya was below 13. Brother got a number of his channels (building toy lego videos, simple cartoons on English, French and Russian Alphabet, etc, public show for kids in our town) suspended in June 2017. He never broke Youtube rules and decided not to appeal as this termination killed his trust in Youtube. His only explanation was that his channels were closed of inactivity as he was studing for a degree in University, and did not produce anything for long.

After this, brother transfered the ownership of youtube.com/c/multfilmytv to Nastya, as it was truly nastya's channel, but we did not find option to disconnect this channel from brother. To access Nastya's channel we use her Google account login! Nastya does not have any suspended channels. And we never broke any youtube rules. Oppositely, at livestrems I teached our audience to respect youtube rules, explained possible problems with other creators, so, our friends will be aware this does not happen with them. 


1st appeal text is provided as a submit screen screenshot attached, it refers to our screen capture video recorded the same night December 18-19, this video is now at facebook, here https://www.facebook.com/multfilmytv/videos/1647103942016331/ with 8 minutes summary at time 18min30sec and 3 min summary at 26 min18sec

Appeal 2 was submitted December 28 and instantly rejected as one "can not submit appeal 2nd time". 2nd appeal text is attached as image below:

...and there are just two slides left:

This is our Holiday story, please help us with Happy End

The above slides are available with my voice explanation as a Facebook video, embeded above, and available here https://www.facebook.com/multfilmytv/videos/1640145462712179/ , till 3min30sec, followed by two short screen capture video, as briefly described at Supplement 1 slide:

and Supplement 2 slide:

Ben, thanks for reading this letter and following both story lines, of slides (perhaphs via embeded video at this letter top) and itemized text. We appreciate your help in restoring Nastya's channel. When/if channel is back, as a daddy, I won't impose any further risk to Nastya's MultfilmyTV, and will just help her to make her stories published as video and sholarly text, a kind of Pinnochio of the XXI century, for girls.

Here are several images with the testimony of our friends on what our channel means for them.

By Polina:

By Nastya (a girl, having the same name, as our Nastya):

 By Zulia:

 and by Sabina:

Another girl, Eny, is a bit delayed, perhaphs because of New Year Holidays till January 11, on a post soviet part of the Globe. Eny is hero of fairy tale based on her story told live at chat and viewers-friends conversation at chat, live http://multfilmydljadevochek.blogspot.com/2018/01/princess-eny-fairy-tale-of-multfilmytv.html#english , several more are written, read live as abed time stories, but still await publication to be preserved for future)

Also, here is a a chat screen of December 16, when one of a viewers, a girl Vickey as a cartoon character was singing our song Mama to her mom, who often watches live streams with her daugther. As Vickey told us in chat her mom was crying of happiness during that livestream of December 16!

Here is our hand written lyrics of this song, written live, during livestream on Wednesday, February 1, 2017, 18:50-19:08. For this and other songs written live at youtube we use the same melody of 19 century nursery rhyme lullaby Hush a Bye Baby, https://www.loc.gov/item/sm1884.21917/  that we perform ourselves, on synthesizers (and yet get claims!). It is my belief (based on song writing by Nastya few years ago) that to teach kids to openly express their emotion and feelings one melody is enough!

...And here is a lyrics of song about summer, on the same melody, assembled live, from original phrases of viewers posted at chat, during livestream at 13 August 2017, 20:18-20:56, i.e. in 38 minutes. Notes on left and right indicate that to this song lyrics contributed Saina Z, Vitalinka T, Miss Vikusia, Alina S, and Miss Arina. Several other girls' writing did not fit the melody easily and were not included in the song:

This illustrates why we  need accurate chat live, and explains why we had to reload live chat when it stoped running, as happened on Monday December 18, a moment before our channel suspension!

We will be happy to provide additional information upon your request


Alexey (Papa Nastya), for Nastya K

Princess Eny. Fairy Tales about MultfilmyTV friend at Youtube - Принцесса Эни. Сказки про девочек

Written 20161223 1850 - 20161224 0040, based on original story as heard from Eny at livestream chat and re-told by Papa Nastya and Nastya as a Fairy Tale

Scholarly published elsewhere. Edited by papa Nastya Google Translation provided below text in Russian

Это не просто сказка! Это повесть про девочку с Ютуб, подружку нашего канала Куклы Барби, Принцессы диснея Мультфильмы ТВ!

by Papa Nastya and Nastya

Жила была девочка. Звали ее Эни. Были у нее мама, папа и сестра. Знаем, что это было начало XXI века.

В те времена быть королями и королевами уже было не модно. Потому что считалось, что все должны ходить на работу, получать зарплату, а детишек отдавать в садики и школы.

Ни о каких дворцах уже речи не шло. Дворцы и жизнь в них просто вышли из моды. Казалось, что навсегда. Так было и в истории Эни.

Эни была принцесса, потому что ее мама и папа были королевой и королем! Но они жили обычной жизнью и никогда не рассказывали дочке про то, что она принцесса!

Но какая же девочка не мечтает стать принцессой? Как и любая другая девчонка Эни мечтала быть принцессой! Фея Эни наградила её всеми дарами, небходимыми настоящей принцессе!

Эни была доброй, отзывчивой, душевной девочкой! Дружбой с ней дорожили подружки. В школе она училась на хорошо и отлично. Но одна учительница не взлюбила Эни!

Этой учительнице как-то приснился сон, что Эни настоящая принцесса, и она, учительница, служит у нее на посылках. С тех пор у Эни по этому предмету вдруг стали появляться в табеле и дневнике плохие отметки: тройки и двойки.

Но Фея Эни их исправляла на хорошие и отличные отметки, потому что она точно знала, что ее крестная трудолюбивая девочка, и всегда прилежно готовит уроки и отвечает на хорошо и отлично, то есть четверки и пятерки!

Это был русский язык, предмет особенно важный для каждой принцессы! Потому что это был язык великой русской балетной школы. И хотя почти все балетные термины - французские слова, у самых лучших балерин родной язык - русский!

Эни жила в прекрасной стране Армении, но русский язык также считала своим родным. И потом - это был язык общения девочек подружек на лучшем канале Ютуб "Куклы Барби и Принцессы Диснея Мультфильмы ТВ",  который делала Настя, ее папа и брат (*).

Учительница приходила в ярость, что поставленные ею двойки таинственным образом превращаются в оценки, которые действительно заслуживала Эни: четверки и пятерки!

В тот день Эни отвечала особенно здорово: убедительно и уверенная в своих знаниях пройденного материала!

А учительница, видя это, и осознавая, что ей опять не получится поставить Эни двойку, закричала на Эни от своего бессилия, и обозвала Эни!

А что Эни?

...Она от растерянности сказала "Вы сама такая" и расплакалась!

Что тут началось?!

Учительница обвинила во всем бедную Эни! Директор пообещал выгнать Эни из школы! Одноклассники встали на сторону учительницы! Конечно же вызвали родителей в школу!

После долгой беседы с директором мама Эни была не на дочкиной стороне!

И только друзья Эни в Ютуб сохраняли спокойствие и верили, что все образумиться!

И случилось чудо! Эни была в шоке! Учительница попросила у Эни прощения!

"Как это возможно?" - спросите Вы?

Все очень просто! Просто накануне того волшебного дня, когда все и к великой радости Эни разрешилось, не только Эни не могла уснуть и переживала! Но также переживала и сама учительница! Она понимала, что неправа, но не могла себе объяснить, что с ней происходит! Тот давний сон, из-за которого она начала обижать Эни, учительница давно забыла, и осталась ничем не обоснованная неприязнь!

Как будто Злая Королева заговорила меня - говорила себе учительница! Но ведь я не такая! Я добрая! Она не раз, и не два вспоминала случай из своего детства, который ей запомнился на всю жизнь!

С ней приключилась похожая история, и ее учительница нашла в себе силы и извинилась перед ней! Вспоминая эту историю, учительница русского языка Эни уснула! А во сне к ней пришла Фея Эни  и прокрутила наперед все то, что случится только завтра!

Утром учительница проснулась с твердым пониманием того, что была не права! И что только она, а не директор школы, и тем более не ребенок, сама Эни, может все исправить!

В школе, когда начался урок, учительница попросила у Эни прощения! Перед всем классом! Эни была в шоке!

Но с тех пор по русскому языку у Эни одни пятерки!

И все стало на свои места: когда ты стараешься, занимаешься, готовишь домашние задания, и учителя видят твое трудолюбие - они тебе помогают! И иногда даже могут поставить пятерку автоматом!

...Прошли годы! Эни выросла! Из маленькой девочки получилась настоящая принцесса, вопреки моде!  Она нашла своего принца, и они долго и счастливо жили вместе в своем королевстве!

Чтобы передать свой опыт маленьким девочкам как стать настоящей принцессой, Эни открыла школу принцесс! И конечно же директором в этой школе стала та самая учительница русского языка!


(*) Дополнительный параграф, который можно опустить в более простой версии сказки


Google Translate English Text, edited for clarity, style and to fix worst translated sentences, phrases or words:

Princess Eny. Fairy Tales about MultfilmyTV friend at Youtube

by Papa Nastya and Nastya

Written 20161223 1850 - 20161224 0040, based on original story as heard from Eny at livestream chat and re-told by Papa Nastya and Nastya as a Fairy Tale

There was a girl. Her name was Eny. She had a mom, a dad and a sister. We know that this was the beginning of the XXI century.

In those days it was not fashionable to be kings and queens. Because it was believed that everyone should go to work, get paid, and send kiddies to kindergartens and schools.

About any palaces there was no question. Palaces and life in them just went out of fashion. It seemed that forever. So it was in the history of Eny.

Eny was a princess, because her mom and dad were queen and king! But they lived a normal life and never told their daughter that she was a princess!

But what kind of girl does not dream of becoming a princess? Like any other girl, Eny dreamed of being a princess! Fairy of Eny awarded her with all the gifts that are necessary for a princess!

Eny was a kind, sympathetic, emotional girl! Friendship with her was a great honor for other girls. At school, she studied good and excellent. But one teacher did not like Eny!

This teacher somehow had a dream that Eny is a real princess, and she, a teacher, serves on her premises. Since then, Eny suddenly began to get bad marks on this subject in the report card and diary: 3 and 2.

But Fairy of Eny corrected them for good and excellent grades, because she knew for sure that her godfather was a hardworking girl, and always diligently prepared lessons and answered well and perfectly, that are grades 4 and 5!

It was the Russian language, a subject especially important for every princess! Because it was the language of the great Russian ballet school. And although almost all the ballet terms - French words, the best dancers have their native language - Russian!

[Papa nastya note while editing English text - I cry right now, as a paragraph above got me back to that livestream of November-December 2016, yes, 2016, not 2017, when Any told her problem with a teacher, and when we focused her on positive emotions which helped her to completely resolve this issue]

Eny lived in the beautiful country of Armenia, but also considered her Russian as her native language. And then - it was the language of girls' friends on the best Youtube channel "Barbie dolls and Disney Princesses Cartoons TV", which made Nastya with little help by her daddy (*).

The teacher was enraged that her two bad marks mysteriously turned into the marks that really deserved Eni: the fours and the highest possible five!

That day, Eny answered especially cool: convincing and confident in her knowledge of the material she had covered!

And the teacher, seeing this, and realizing that she will not be able to put Eny bad mark "2" again, yelled at Eny from her impotence, and called Eny!

And what about Eny?

... She said with confusion, "You are so" and burst into tears!

What has started here ?!

The teacher blamed poor Eny for everything! School Principal promised to expel Eny from school! Classmates sided with the teacher! Of course they summoned Eny parents to school!

After a long conversation with the principal, Mom of Eny was not on the daughters side!
And only friends of Eny in Youtube kept their peace and believed that everything would come to their senses!

And a miracle happened! Eny was in shock! The teacher asked Eny forgiveness!
"How is this possible?" - you ask?

Everything is very simple! Just on the eve of that magic day, when everything was resolved to the great joy of Eny, not only could not Eny fall asleep and worry! But the teacher herself was also worried! She understood that she was wrong, but she could not explain what was happening to her!

That old dream (mentioned above), because of which she began to offend Eny, the teacher has long forgotten, and there is nothing grounded dislike!

As if the Evil Queen spoke to me, the teacher told herself! But in fact I am not bad! I am kind! She repeatedly, many times recalled a case from her childhood, which she remembered for life!

A similar story happened to her, and her teacher found strength in herself and apologized to her! Remembering this story, Eny teacher of Russian language fell asleep! And in a dream the Fairy of Eny came to her and scrolled in advance all that will happen only tomorrow!

In the morning the teacher woke up with a firm understanding of what was wrong! And that only she, and not the principal of the school, and especially not the child, Eny herself, can fix it all!

At school, when the lesson began, the teacher asked Eny for forgiveness! Before the whole class! Eny was in shock!

But since then, for Russian language tests Eny had only excellent grades!

And everything fell into place: when you are trying and working hard, preparing homework, and the teachers see your hard work - they help you! And sometimes they can even reward you with excellent grade automatically, without having the test!

... Years have passed! Eny grew up! Little girl turned into a real princess, contrary to fashion! She found her prince, and they lived happily together in their kingdom for a long time!

[Papa Nastya, crying again! Just amazed another time of what we were doing with kids, live at livestreams, do you?!]

To pass on her experience to little girls how to become a real princess, Eny opened a school of princesses! And of course the same teacher of Russian language became the Principal of this school!

[Papa Nastya: Eny teacher in life asked Eny to forgive her, but in few months this teacher was fired for some other reason. Eny was very dissapointed of this, as since this problem resolution Eny and a teacher became good friends. I do not remember what subject this teacher teached pupils]

The end!
(*) An additional paragraph that can be omitted in a simpler version of this fairy tale

MultfilmyTV Evidence for legitimate use of Firefox browser and youtube

Summary: We respect Youtube, its Terms of Service [Ref 3] and Community Guidelines; we never broke Youtube rules; we ourselves flag videos when we see youtube rules are broken by others; and we teach our viewers to respect youtube rules. What happened is a sad accidental unfortunate public browser Firefox funtionality, that we carefully analysed, and will take every measure this does not happen again!


Hello, Youtube! Please watch our explanation of the problem that our channel MultfilmyTV experienced on December 17-18, and that caused its suspension!

In this video we will show that our browser Firefox [Ref.1] default feature of "session restore" [Ref.2] on December 17, 2017 could be misunderstood by youtube servers as the usage of "automated system (including, without limitation, any robot, spider or offline reader)", prohibited in Youtube Terms of Service Item 5H [Ref.3].

We will also show how our screen setup is organized for screen capture livestreams using two Firefox browser windows with a number of tabs with youtube pages (opened one at a time!), and a backup PC logged in, for effective and interactive livestreams. 

We will also show that our Firefox is not an offline reader, and that we operate it manually and reasonably, to use respectfully standard youtube features.    

This video can be also viewed directly at facebook, here

The above video has 19 slides of screenshots of suspect computer, with explanation (till time code 3 min 30 sec of video) followed by two supplements: short screen-captured clips that add to our evidence. Both included clips are a part of longer screen-captured-video evidence, also available at facebook video (Supplements A, B and C listed below):

Supplement A.
 MultfilmyTV after-suspension video (12 min) explanation of human only public browser Firefox operation, and screen-capture of browser windows and tabs with several youtube pages opened on December 18 (one at a time) before the channel suspension. This screen capture video was recorded 21 December 2017 and includes the proof this browser is not an offline reader (at 5 min 20 sec, when I accidentally click on a dead link at our channel as this page was opened befor channel suspension):

Supplement B.
MultfilmyTV test of Firefox session restore screen-capture video (5.5 min) with network cable disconnected, performed on 24 December 2017, after accidental shutdown of the same PC, after this PC was 6 days ON with Firefox and its' tabs opened before channel suspension on Dec 18, 2017 

Supplement C.
MultfilmyTV test of Firefox tabs reopening after test session restore,, with network cable disconnected, screen capture video with explanation (5 min 46 sec) to illustrate this is not an offline reader and further test session restore by Firefox, performed on 24 December 2017

Also please see additional supplements, prepared after our 2nd appeal:

Supplement D.
MultfilmyTV tabs of Mozilla Firefox, with many youtube channel's pages (opened Since Dece 17, 2017) , on another notebook PC that is always on, logged in and ready for routine channel work. Screen capture with an external camera (not true screen capture)

Supplement E.
Presents MultfilmyTV live stream edit page (opened since December 17, 2017) , on another notebook PC that is always on. Here we tested how Hi-Fi sound of livestream will translate into correct live stream captions, on another notebook PC that is always on, logged in and ready for routine channel work. This video explains that all channels manager's pages are open in different tabs of firefox (one at a time) for a reason - to do 24x7 routine channel development works! This video is screen capture with an external camera (not true screen capture)

Supplement F.
MultfilmyTV friends at social networks OK.ru and VK.com say kind words of support for MultfilmyTV, describing what out channel at youtube means for them


We respect Youtube, its Terms of Service [Ref 3] and Community Guidelines! We never broke Youtube rule! We ourselves flag videos when we see youtube rules are broken by others! We also teach our viewer to respect youtube rules. What happened is a sad accidental unfortunate public browser Firefox funtionality, that we carefully analysed, and will take every measure this does not happen again! We kindly ask you to reinstate our channel! 


1. Supported browsers list - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/supported_browsers (last accessed 2017/12/27)
2. Firefox/session restore. Mozilla Wiki https://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox/session_restore#What_is_Session_Restore.2C_why_this_page.3F (last accessed 2017/12/27) 
3. Youtube Terms of Service https://www.youtube.com/t/terms?internalcountrycode=US (last accessed 2017/12/27)